How the Course Will Work

It's Never Too Late to Begin Again has twelve chapters, each with a different theme.

  • Week 1: Reigniting a Sense of Wonder
  • Week 2: Reigniting a Sense of Freedom
  • Week 3: Reigniting a Sense of Connection
  • Week 4: Reigniting a Sense of Purpose
  • Week 5: Reigniting a Sense of Honesty
  • Week 6: Reigniting a Sense of Humility
  • Week 7: Reigniting a Sense of Resilience
  • Week 8: Reigniting a Sense of Joy
  • Week 9: Reigniting a Sense of Motion
  • Week 10: Reigniting a Sense of Vitality
  • Week 11: Reigniting a Sense of Adventure
  • Week 12: Reigniting a Sense of Faith

Each week from the day you register, you'll receive an email that summarizes the chapter, explains your "assignment," and directs you to supplementary materials here in THE IMAGINARIUM. We also have a Facebook Group (details to follow) where we discuss our progress and insights.

So happy you'll be making this journey!

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